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Frequently asked questions 2022

Frequently Asked Questions for the Curriculum

  1. What applies to students who have exceeded the 12th semester from their first year of admission to TEI?

Students who entered the Department of Accounting and Finance T.E.I. and have exceeded 12 semesters from their first year of admission, complete the obligations of the Department of Accounting and Finance and receive a TEI of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace degree.


  1. Which students are entitled to a university degree from IHU?

Students who have successfully completed their obligations according to the curriculum and have been successfully examined in the required courses for obtaining the degree of the Department of Accounting and Finance after the September examination and have not exceeded 12 semesters from their first year of admission, have the option -after making an application to with the secretariat of the Department of Accounting and Finance), instead of receiving the degree in Accounting and Finance TEI, to attend an additional list of 9 courses from the new curriculum of the Department of Accounting and of Finance in order to receive a university degree from IHU.


  1. What can past students do?

Students of this category (n+2, i.e. 13th semester and older), according to the law, do not have the right to submit an application for receiving a IHU University degree. Therefore, they will have to successfully complete their obligations according to the current curriculum in their year of admission, with the same conditions as before, i.e. successful completion of 35 compulsory and 4 optional-compulsory courses, as well as the completion of the student Internship and an undergraduate Thesis.


  1. What can students who have passed within the previous six years do?

Students of this category (those who are between 9th and 12th semester) have two choices:

  • Obtain a degree from IHU after successfully attending all the courses of the old curriculum within 12 semesters, completing the student Internship, taking an undergraduate thesis, and attending 9 additional courses of the new curicullum. THey need to submit an application to the Department secretariat in order to receive the degree of Accounting and Finance of IHU.
  • To take the degree of Accounting and Finance TEI of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace by attending the courses of the old curriculum under the same conditions valid until now, i.e. success in the 35 compulsory and 4 optional compulsory courses, as well as the preparation of the undergraduate thesis and the completion of the student internship.


  1. Which are the requirements for a student to get an IHU degree?

Students who choose to reveive an IHU degree, they have to comply with ALL the following requirements:

a. They do not have passed the 12th semester of studies.

b. They have passed all courses of the curriculum of the respected Department.

γ. Οι φοιτητές αυτής της κατηγορίας υποχρεούνται να έχουν ολοκληρώσει την Πρακτική Άσκηση και την εκπόνηση Πτυχιακής Εργασίας.

d. They have submitted a legal statement to the secretariat of the Accounting and Finance Department. This statement should be submitted to the Department secretariat and be received either until 15 September, or within sixty (60) days after posting the grade of the last course.The above statement can be revoked by a new application of the interested party no later than six (6) months after the filing of the initial statement.

e. They have to attend the nine (9) courses which have been defined (as requirements for an IHU degree).


  1. Can students of TEI Accounting and Finance Department apply to join the new IHU curriculum?

Students who fulfill conditions a, b and c as explained earlier, have the option to make such an application.


  1. What is the procedure students who deserve an inclusion in the new curriculum must follow?

Students can make an application to Department's secretariat and attend additional courses from the curriculum of the new IHU Department and finaly receive a university education degree (instead of taking a TEI degree).


  1. What is the deadline for such an application?

The application can be submitted within sixty (60) days from the announcement of the last course score (as of September 2019 examination and the dealine will be announced). The signed application and the legal declaration are being submitted in printed form to the Secretariat of the Department.


  1. Can students withdraw their application at any time?

No, it can be revoked by making a new application, no later than 6 months after the initial submitted one.


  1. What applies for students who are in an older semester? Should they wait for a newer announcement, or they also have to make an application until the 15th of September?

Students who had registered to the Department of Accounting and Finance of TEI during the academic year 2018–19 or earlier must successfully complete all courses (compulsory and mandatory electives) of the curriculum of the Department of Accounting and Finance of TEI to which they were admitted. Then, they can apply for the IHU Accounting and Finance degree, taking onto account that the duration of their studies should not exceed 12 semesters and that they must have completed the 9 additional courses (compulsory and mandatory electives) of the new curriculum, as well as prepare their thesis and complete their internship.

  1. Is it mandatory for students to obtain a University degree?

No, students who do not wish to receive the University degree although they are eligible, do not need to take any further action.


  1. Is the list of nine (9) courses set for the University degree eligible for renewal?

No, for the moment they will remain the same and no changes will be made. Future changes cannot be expluded. The list of required courses is available at:


  1. When will the additional courses be taught and examined after an application for a University degree?

The additional courses for obtaining a University degree in the Department of Accounting and Finance are taught in the corresponding semesters of the new curriculum and will be examined in the corresponding examination periods.


  1. What types of courses are included in new curriculum?

The courses in the new curriculum are categorized as (similar to the old curriculum) as: Compulsory (Y) and Elective Compulsory (EY).


  1. Is there any distinction made in the new curriculum regarding courses?

Yes, courses can be General Infastructure (GI), Specialty (EI) and Administration, Economics, Legislation and Humanities (AELH), as in the old curriculum.


  1. Is there any matching of courses between the old and the new curriculum?

No there is not. Each course recognition request made from another curriculum will be judged individualy by the responsible professor.


  1. Whay the number of additional courses a student of the former TEI has to attend to get an IHU degree is not the same in all TEI departments?

It is not the same since it depends on the degree the subject of the Department has changed during the curriculum transition.

  1. Do students of the old Accounting and Finance Department of the former TEI have the same obligations and follow the same rules in order to obtain a TEI Degree as the students of the new Accounting and Finance department of IHU?

No, students of the former TEI Department of Accounting and Finance have different obligations and follow different rules than the students of the new Accounting and Finance department of IHU.


  1. In case a student has passed a given course of the old curriculum which has changed title or type (Y or EY) in the new curriculum, will the student have to attend the course again?

Although this not related to the new curriculum, such cases are possible due to a partial restructuring of the old curriculum. The answer is no, under no circumstances is it allowed to successfully attend two courses if they are assigned the same or different name. There are such changes in the old curriculum.


  1. Can a graduate of the TEI Accounting and Finance Department obtain the new IHU degree?

For the graduates of all TEI Departments there is no such provision by the law. This issue is not allowed to be regulated by the Departments or the Universities themselves. The relevant legislation is the responsibility and matter of the Ministry of Education. Therefore the only option the graduate has is:

a. To succeed in the qualifying exams of December 2019 based on the Department's procedures.

b. to receive an approval of the courses which the student has completed during the old TEI curriculum.

c. To meet the requirements for receiving the new university degree (48 courses in 8 semesters).


  1. What a student can do to receive a degree as soon as possible, but also wants to obtain the new IHU degree?

Students can complete their studies by meeting all requirements (39 courses + graduation + internship) to obtain the TEI degree and then to follow a, b and c previously explained options.



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