Student Mobility
Students can participate in the Erasmus+ program through which they are given the opportunity to transfer to universities in other countries in order to continue their studies for a semester. The terms and conditions are communicated to the students through the Department's website but also through the Erasmus Office and the University's Department of International Relations. Also, the Department designates a faculty member as responsible for student mobility issues, while each faculty member is responsible for assisting students who wish to move in order to complete the process of approval and recognition of the courses and ECTS of each course of the foreign university, in study program of the PSP and in their entry in the individual electronic record of each student which is maintained and updated by the Department Secretariat. The process, as well as the information and support of the students, covers all the stages of the mobility, i.e. before, during and after their return from abroad.
In every case, these issues are regulated by the Internal Regulation of the International Hellenic University (FEK t.B, no. 4889/6-11-2020).